Great Deal - 3 ArthroZyme Bundle

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

How to get out from back pain ?

Back pain is today a major problem for all of them who are having sitting job or the person who are all in marketing field.This comes because the pressure of all the muscles in our body accumulate in spine Exercise Is the first and best way to get out of back pain.The persons who are all in sitting job are now easily getting back pain soon because they are not interested in Exercise.Because of this their body weight goes beyond the limit so their muscles are getting weak and at the same time the pressure of all the muscles accumulates on the spine.Our bone absorb the calcium which are coming through the food only by doing exercise.
Second thing is we are not getting proper Vitamin D. because now all of us are not ready to walk in sunlight in the morning.The sunlight speacilly in the morning having good "Vit-D".Nature is ready to give us so many good things,Because of lack of awarness we sleep in late night and awake in late morning.Changing this habit,and by walking in the sunlight in the morning we will get plenty of "Vit-D" to make our spine very strong-is the second way.That walking should also in early morning,not after 7am.The sun light from 4.30am to 6.00am is having plenty of Vit-D.So do walking before 6.00am.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Over Water pollutes our body.

Early morning 1.5 litter water is very necessary for all...!,which allopathy says,is not right. Generally Allopathy is a senseless medical.Thirst is indicating you that your body now needs water because there is insufficient of water in your body.That means your body is now ready to digest the water ( If you take ).This also indicates that your kidney is with the right energy  to evacuation the waste which are in your body.If there is no thirst means  there is no waste in your body to throw out.So don't go beyond the limit even in drinking water.If you take food without hungry that leads to indigestion,like wise if you take water without thirst that also leads to indigestion of water .To know that is very easy- That will make some scrolling sound in your stomach.This will spoil the spleen very soon.When spleen gets damaged it leads to Indigestion,very soon you get High-BP or Low-BP.Then heart losses it's normal action,and this spoils the whole body.Immediate sleep comes after taking meals is the symptom,and abnormal heart beat also indicates this.In outer we are polluting water and water pollutes human inside.But both the events are done by human beings Not by others.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Blood-The value liquid

A red coloured liquid in our body is called as "BLOOD".This blood is made up of huge number of connective tissues.Blood containing oxygen is very light in colour.Dark red colored blood contain's carbon-di-oxide.Middle aged people are having 8% of blood in their body weight.It is running from top to bottom in our body.Per day it is running upto 80000 kms to 1.25 lakh kms.In blood there are main three things 1)RBC- Red blood corpesels 2)WBC-White blood corpesels 3)Platlets.In blood RBC's life span is 90 to 120 days.In this 90-120 days, from heart it circulates near about 75000 times and return back to heart.Loss of water in our body indicates that loss of blood in our when one get injured first we have to give him water In 1cubic-mm  blood there are 4.5-5 lakhs RBC's are there,and 8-10 lakhs WBC's are there,and 3-4 lakhs Platelets are there.Due to fever and starvation,there may be loss of RBC's in our blood.RBC's are having HEMOGLOBLIN,this Hemoglobin is very essential for carrying oxygen from top to bottom of our body.That's why we are getting tired when we are in fever.Because proper hemoglobin is not their in our blood so brain is not getting oxygen,so we get tired.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Breast Milk is the best milk

For the first 6 month only breast feeding is very very best for a child.This is a best ,a cheap,a safety,and an easily available nutrition in this world.This milk is yellow in colour.This is also an antibiotic so feeding this is very important for both mother and child.Whenever a child cry just feed milk.After 6 month by feeding you can also give some other foods also.Don't stop feeding breastmilk even the child is in any disease.Like wise mother having any disease she should not stop feeding her milk to child without advice of doctor.If the situation is not that,to not give breastfeeding just give cow milk to the child.( Cow milk shuold mixed with a little amount of water,and boiled for a few minutes )
Don't use powder milk ,this will spoil the babies health.Don't put your baby in the bed immediately after feeding until your baby gives a belching.Suddenly stoping breastfeeding is not good for both child and mother.slowly stoping breast feeding is good ( slowly means it takes nearabout 3-4 months to stop ). Generally giving breast feeding for 9months to one year is reasonable.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Concept of Acupuncture :

Health means Activity.The activity of a person depends upon his energy status.If the energy is insufficient there is less in activity,and tiredness ensures. we have 12 vital organs .If any one or more of the vital organ has insufficient energy for it's activity,the organ concerned becomes sluggish in it's physiological function.For example, if stomach is under active due to want of energy, it becomes lazy.The effects of laziness of the stomach are expressed as Symptoms.They are appetite,sluggish digestion,bolching and eructations,with the smell of food taken long before.
Similarly the function of each organs depends on it's energy condition.Instead of insufficient energy,if there is excess energy,there will be stuffiness and distending painin the abdomen;there may be nauseaand vomiting immediately after consuming food.And lastly if there is defective energy there will be stomach disorder.This is the starting point of disease.This condition could be set right if only the health system knows the energy source,energy movement in our body and has the knowledge to manipulate the energy and change an undeactive or disordered organwith sufficient and viable energy.Acuouncture is the only science that satisfies such a requirement by utilising the admospheric electrical energy.The success of acupuncture treatment depends entirely upon the skill of the practitioner who applies the great science.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Stress-Bliss is in between two misery

Sleepless,Headache,muscle pain, Paroxysm, Asthma, BP,Ulcer,these are the symptoms of stress.
Frustration due to Failure in life ,Loss of organs and not able to move individually. Having cancer,Aids,Failure in marriage life,due to loneliness in old age,Financially very week-after a hard work,smoking, drinking alcohal,fear about their future, These things are the main reasons for stress.To avoid this one have to understand human life.This nature is the output of god,human being is just a part of it-that's all.If you feel the others inside you, disgust will automatically disappear and bliss flow inside you.If you practice this deeply you will pardon others you will never get angry.
Practice Meditation atleast 10 minutes per day.that will lead you to the above state.Human's are not able to understand all the events of life.Understand that Birth,death,sarrows happy,ups and downs-these events are unavoidable in life.Accepting all these things is the best way to avoid stress.Read good books while you are free.Hear some fine music.Spend some time with your wife,child,and friends.Share your problems and anxieties with your close friends and with your wife.Accept, that Bliss is in between two misery.One have to accept mentally both the side of lifes.When your are ready to accept failure,success is in the next of your doorstep.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Operational Timing Of Organs

The main 12 organ's in our body are Stomach,Spleen,Heart, 
SmallIntestine,Urinarybladder,Large Intestine,Pericardium,Triple warmer,Liver,Lungs,Gallbladder,Kidney.Their Perfect operational time is given below.
1   - Morning-7-9am- Stomach
2   - Morning-9-11am-spleen
3   - Morning-11-1am-Heart
4   - Noon-1-3pm-small intestine
5   - Noon-3-5pm-Urinary Bladder
6   - Evening-5-7pm-Kidney
7   - Night-7-9pm-Pericardium
8   - Night-9-11pm-Triple warmer
9   - Night-11-1pm-Gall Bladder
10 - Night-1-3am-Liver
11 - Early Morning-3-5am-Lungs
12 - Early Morning-5-7am-Large intestine 

By noting the above said time a perfect Acupuncture doctor will diagnosis the disease and give a proper treatment.For example the asthma which comes at early morning 3-5 is due to Lungs problem  because that time is the time ofLungs.Evening 5-7 is the time of kidney so when Asthma comes on this time is due to the defect of Kidney.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Is Acupuncture scientifically accepted ?

Today's science has to evolve through a million years and beyond if it wants to see through the eyes by instrumental means the energy force or the life forceof nature?,because science today is purely mechanical and elementary in nature.Men should not depend upon instrumental diagnosis any more because he has a more powerful equipment in the form of brain which can gain access into the hidden facts of a diseases.Brain has the quality of preception whereas scientific instruments are just toys and dummies in this regard.Todays  science or the science of tomorrow will never acquire the fitness to access the credibilityof the greater science.Acupuncture has the scope to cure any disease.The subject of acupuncture is conceptualand thought provoking unlike Alopathy,which is theoreticaland mechanicalinvolving no application of mind.
The concept of acupuncture is :
No disease is incurable.A single needle,placed on the skin surface at an exactly located and specified point,Manipulated in a precise manner ,according to the law of nature,should free the body from 10000 maladies,in a single treatment,within minutes.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Outer organ reflects inner organ

Psychiatric [ Mental Problem ] is not related to brain.For example a person is very hungry,but before eating he got a sad news,immediately his hungry quits away from his body.The other organs like Lungs,Kidney,heart are all working well but his stomach's action was stopped.From this we have to understand that anxiety and sorrow are due to the operating loss of stomach only.A threatened small boy goes urine,because his kidney goes under operatingloss due to fear.Drinking habit spoil liver.That's why one gets anger very quickly because " Quickly getting angry " is due to the operatingloss of Liver.So a true Doctor can deside the disease by taking a vision on the patients mood.By giving energy to that particular organ the doctor can activate that organ,and bring back to the old condition.By this we can cure the psychiatric by giving treatment to the affected organ.
whenever energy gets decreases in a particular organ it affects our mind.This is also a starting point of disease.Every outer organ of human part is ralated to an inner organ.For example our ears shape more or less resembles with our kidney.Like that our tongue shape resembles with our heart.So if the inner organ is affected due to some reason it shows the symptoms through their resembleing related outer organs.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Deep Breath - Is your life span

Lungs occupies both the side of human body.For the breath this is the main organ.This is in conical shape in our body.Right side lungs is seperated in three parts,and left side is separated in two parts. In the muster there is a fluid called as "Pleural Fluid".This fluid helps for the movement of lungs.Two process are mainly very important in lungs
1 - Inspiration
2 - Expiration
These 2 process are very important in lungs and by inspiration we get oxygen for the whole body. Our life span is not determined by our health condition,it is only determined by our breath.If we take a long breath that increases our life span.Because while taking long breath more oxygen goes into our body,so that our life span increases.Human life span is determined by how many breath he has taken?.so it is better to breath slowly.To breath slowly everyone has to stop Anger,Tension,and opposite thoughts .
To reduce the fast breath Pranayama is the best way.By doing pranayama one can clear his lungs.So that so many diseases like cold,skin diseases,throat diseases are cleared. The capacity  of the lungs is 4 litter.Avaragely near about 500ml air is going inside by one inspiration,in that only 350 ml is actually going to lungs.In that 350 ml air only 70 ml oxigen is there.In that 70 ml oxygen only 25 ml is absorbed by blood.So every one's life span depends upon the deep breath.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Skeleton-Godown of minerals

Skeleton gives shape to human body.This skeleton protects so many things in our body like lungs, brain,eyes,kidney.Not only it protects the main parts of our body,it acts as a godown to store minerals.It also produces the RBC and WBC in our body.By the help of this skeleton only muscles are doing their job very well.They are classified into 4 groups.
* Skull
* Sternum
* Spinal cord
* girdle
Natural foods only gives energy to the bones in our body.The energy which gets from natural is the original energy,and this is sutable for all time.This skeleton stores the minerals like calcium99%,phosphorous 85%,and gives to our body ,whenever our body needs.There is a big factory in our bones.In our body per 1 minute near about one crore WBC's are dieing ,and with the help of Skeletons only they are reproduced.skeletons are madeup of tissues like cancellous and compacts.After 20 the growth of our bones are stoped and the size expands.
Problems occurs in Skeletons :
Bone Fracture may come due to our careless.
The stoppage of WBC's called as Aplastic Anamemia.
The swelling in the bones due to infection called as Osteomyelitis.

Eye to stay health

How to Maintain Eye To Stay Healthy. Eye is one of the important body organ, because help the vision of some body. For protect it, in order free from the broken or disease, To maintain eye health, there are 7 way that we can do for it.Structure and function of the eye to see is not simple. Required the cooperation of several parts of the eye to produce an image that will be sent to the brain.
1. Eating dark green leafy vegetables
Vegetables that have dark green leaves like spinach, broccoli or other vegetables contain lutein and zeaxanthin, two types of carotenoids that are known to reduce the risk of developing cataracts and decreased vision due to disturbances in central retina. Try to eat two servings a day, for example, one serving of spinach at lunch and one serving of broccoli at dinner.
2. consuming antioxidants
Foods such as berries, oranges, plums and cherries to help minimize damage caused by free radicals (such as from sunlight and pollution), and reduce the risk of hardening of the lens which can lead to cataracts. Consumption of antioxidants at least two servings a day.
3. Consuming omega-3 fatty acids
Evidence suggests omega-3 fatty acids from certain fish such as salmon, halibut and tuna can protect the tear ducts, to protect the lens, minimizing dry eye and prevent cataracts. Consumption of 2-3 servings of fish a week and reducing red meat, because it allegedly could increase the risk of eye disorders in old age.
4. consuming a multivitamin
National Eye Institute showed that the antioxidant vitamins C and E, vitamin B6 and B12, beta carotene and the minerals copper and zinc can slow the progression of vision decline due to disturbances in the central retina and cataracts. Before taking supplements, better fill the intake of natural materials in advance.
5. eating carrots
This crisp vegetables contain beta-carotene compound, which is a carotenoid that may help keep the eyes to stay healthy. These compounds can also be found on the pumpkin.
6. using goggles
UV rays are one of the main causes hardening of the lens, cataracts and decreased vision due to disturbances in the central retina. The use of glasses with dark lenses can filter up to 100 percent of UV rays when outdoors. If no glasses, can also use a hat to reduce exposure to UV rays.
7. exercise
Several studies have shown that aerobic exercise can lower the pressure inside the eye, thereby reducing the risk of glaucoma. Sports that do can walk for 30 minutes 3 ​​times a week, jogging, treadmill or take a fitness class.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

What is high blood pressure?

High blood pressure (HBP) or hypertension means high pressure (tension) in the arteries. Arteries are vessels that carry blood from the pumping heart to all the tissues and organs of the body. High blood pressure does not mean excessive emotional tension, although emotional tension and stress can temporarily increase blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is below 120/80; blood pressure between 120/80 and 139/89 is called "pre-hypertension", and a blood pressure of 140/90 or above is considered high.
The top number, the systolic blood pressure, corresponds to the pressure in the arteries as the heart contracts and pumps blood forward into the arteries. The bottom number, the diastolic pressure, represents the pressure in the arteries as the heart relaxes after the contraction. The diastolic pressure reflects the lowest pressure to which the arteries are exposed.
An elevation of the systolic and/or diastolic blood pressure increases the risk of developing heart (cardiac) disease, kidney (renal) disease, hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis), eye damage, and stroke (brain damage). These complications of hypertension are often referred to as end-organ damage because damage to these organs is the end result of chronic (long duration) high blood pressure. For that reason, the diagnosis of high blood pressure is important so efforts can be made to normalize blood pressure and prevent complications.
It was previously thought that rises in diastolic blood pressure were a more important risk factor than systolic elevations, but it is now known that in people 50 years or older systolic hypertension represents a greater risk.The American Heart Association estimates high blood pressure affects approximately one in three adults in the United States - 73 million people. High blood pressure is also estimated to affect about two million American teens and children, and the Journal of the American Medical Association reports that many are under-diagnosed. Hypertension is clearly a major public health problem.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Yin and Yang-In Acupuncture

As per acupuncture,we can classify all the things in the world into 2 groups. One is YIN, and the another one is YANG.These two will behave like a magnetic nature,and will act on opposite side of each other.Both are negative to each other,but they are not without each other.If Yin gets increases, Yang decreases.These Yin & Yang are also in human body.Both of this should equal in our body.If they are equal in our body ,that indicates that our body is very healthy.If Yin increases,and Yang decreases there will be a loss of balance in our body,and that leads to any disease depends upon the condition of our body.When one dominates fully on the other, death occurs to human body.

Monday, 6 February 2012

The needle makes you Healthy

Without taking medicine one can cure disease by Acupuncture. only 10% of Chances are there to come again the same disease that cured by Acupuncture. While  curing the disease of a particular organ,Acupuncture cures the other diseases also related to the same organ.It makes balance to the body mind co-ordination and gives freshness to the whole body.This method increases our immunity system without giving any side effects.One can follow the Acupuncture method while following some other medical treatments ,It won't give any side effects,any after effects,any allergy like that.
Threatening diseases like asthma,Hemiparesis,stroke,koma,Psychiatric,can be cured by this method.This method brings back the regularity of the hormone secretion. 
Today this method is also accepted by WHO ( World Health organisation ).This method is actually created by the Siddha BOHAR,and when he went to china ,he taught to the china peoples.In the statue of the Lord Palani Murugan,he noted the main 361 points which are widely used in Acupuncture method.After that he got Jeeva samathi there.

Some Quotes :
"So many people spend their health gaining wealth,and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health"
"Health is a state of complete harmoney of the body,mind and spirit.When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distraction,the gates of the soul opens"

Unique Plants that cures diseases

Poaceae  : (In india it is called as - Arugampul)
Botanical Name : Cynodon dactylon pers
All the parts of this grass are used in siddha and Ayurvedic treatments.wound and scratches are also cured by this grasses.This is very widely used to cure kidney stone problem and it prevents the blood leakage in kidney.Not only in kidney but also in eyes.Its root is very much used to cure chronic gleet, when this grasses root is taken with curd.

Lamiaceae : (In India it is called as - Thulasee)
Botanical Name : Ocimum sanctum L
All the parts of this plant are used in siddha and Ayurvedic treatments.It is generally used as antibiotic.It kills mosquitos and insects.This plant's hot water essence cures chest mucus,nose block,and diarrhea.It's seeds cures kidney and sex organ disorders.Its leaf cures Phlegmand and Dysentary.It also cures bleeding and continuous fever.This also kills the germs in the intestine.Very widely used in vishnu temples in india.