There are only two types of people in this world;one type is the people who are suffering because of sex, and the other one who have transformed their sexual energy into LOVE.You will be surprised to know that sex and love are two opposite things.As love grows sex becomes less.The more loving you are the less sexual you will be;and if you are totally filled with love there will be nothing sexual inside you.But if there is no love ,inside you everything will be sexual.Anyone who suppresses his sexual energy creates insanity,and that creates mental illnesses.Any attempt to suppress your sexual energy is in itself madness.If the doors to love are opened,the energy that was flowing through sex will be transformed through the light of love. so let this love expand,Love is the creative use of sex.
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Saturday, 31 March 2012
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Exercise make you feel healthy
Exercise is absolutely important for the body.Because all the elements that the body is made of expand with exercise.Exercise helps expansion.when you run every cell,every living cell of your body expands.And when they expands you feel very healthy and when they are contracted you feel sick. when your lungs filled with oxygen and all the carbondioxide is thrown out your blood circulation rises and the impurities are cleaned out.Excessive rest is harmful likewise excessive exercise is also doing over exercise is not good for body.A little regular exercise is always good and make you feel healthy.Rest only as much as you exercise.In this century there is no place for exercise and for rest.we are in a strange situation.Rest is a long ,deep sleep in which the whole body is sleeping,all its activities have slowed down and all the stress that it has been under is released.
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Power of organ energy
Basic life energy is the self sustaining inherent energy of a cell or an organ,which has the cepacity to function on its own,without the aid of food,water,and air energy. for example till the child is born,the lungs is the heavy and solid mass,lying inside the chest wall.when the child is born ,the lungs begins its function on its own by expanding and drawing into the air energy.Simultaneously,large intustine also begins its function by passing tool.But for this inherent energy potential,functional activities of an organ can not take place.The function of basic life force is to self sustain the normal activities of a cell and to protect it against the evil force.when poisonous substances like drugs which acts against the direction of the life force and thus not in tune with the biological activities of our syste,enter the cells the basic life energy begins its activityagainst them.Liver is an important organ in detoxifying any poison that enters in the blood.During this process liver exhausts its energy much faster because the medicines are continuously and repeatedly administered.As the liver get exhausted in its basic life energy,it produces symptoms like lack of appetite,feeling of vomiting and tiredness and ggiddiness ensures.
Monday, 26 March 2012
Pain-Friend of body
Analgesics block the pain sensation from reaching the brain.This is neither releif nor cure.It in only blocking the pain sensation from the effecting part of the body,but dulls the overall sensitivity of our sensary system.It is dangerous because pain is the most important sign of a disease,and by suppressing it from reaching the brain,the disease is only going to get aggrravated silently,without the knowledge of the brain.Pain is the formost symptom of a disease and it is directly proportional to the gravity of the disease.Pain restricts the normal movement and functional activities of an organ.In the absence of pain normal movements are continued as usual and the unrestricted activity worsens the condition of the already damaged organ.
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Food-How to eat and get Energy
First one should not eat so much food that your body become so Lethargic;lethargy is unhealthy.Your food should also not make your body excited.Excitement is unhealthy because it creates imbalances. One should eat enough so that the body does not waste away because that will not create weakness.If energy is not produced then it will not be possible to progress towards higher consciousness.Your diet should create energy,but it should not be stimulating.Energy should be created,butone should not eat so much that it makes the body lethargic.If one have overeaten then all your energy will be used for digestion and the body will be filled with lethargy.Whan the body is lethargic it means that all the energy is being used to digest your food.Lethargy is an indication that you have overeaten.After eating you should feel refreshed and energized,not lethargic.This is LOGIC.
Friday, 23 March 2012
medicine treatment - what are the effects?
Medicines,infact,have a very little supportive role in containing overwhelming infections.The first effect of medicines is giving a death blow to the immune system of our body. In the first place the patient has enough vitality and resistance to withstand the infection without which he would have succumbed to it.Secondly ,since the antibiotic are chemicals and not in tune with out system,they are poisonous.The movement a medicine enters the body ,the body system rebels against it and rejects it.The body strains its enery nerve to eliminate it from the body through all possible outlets-throughs face,urine,sweat,and saliva.This is severe form of exertion on the part of our system and in the process it loses much of its basic life energy.
Thursday, 22 March 2012
About Bacteria-What acupuncture says ...!
Generally the bacteria are present on the surface of our skin,intestine track,and respiratory and urinary passages.But they do not grow in excess as to cause infections as long as the vitality of the skin or the organs preserved.In case there appear a weakness in an organ,or there is a loss of integrity of the skin due to injury,the vitality and the resistance of the cell are lowered.To overcome this the number of bacteria increases in order to enhance the immunity of the devitalised cells..At this stage of bacterial growth there may be mild symptoms of infections.This is only temporary and heals spontaneously because of the growing immunity,along with the increased bacterial growth.Any interferance in this natural growth of bacteria caused by applying antiseptic lotions will stop the immune mechanism from functioning and lead to a sure and progressive infection.
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
How much creative you are -that much your anger disappear.
Nobody in the world is a sinner and nobody is a saint.So first an emotion arises.Release it through your body in the form of any exercise.Second learn to be creative.Now most of humans are not creative.Naturally energy has to move in some direction,either towards destruction or towards creativity.Learn to lead a creative life.The more creative you are the more your anger will disappear.Anger is the sign of an uncreative person.The reason that so many creative people,great sculptors,painters or poets,remained unmarried is that all their energy was being used for their creative process.The mind is the most subtle part of the body and the body is the most gross part of the mind.In other words they are two different things.That's why whatever happens in the body is echoed in the mind,and whatever happens in the mind has its effects on the body.If the mind is sick the body will not remain healthy for long. The message is passed between the two and has an effect on both.
Protect your hearing Ears
Thinking of that " I am cleaning my ears " and using EAR-BUDS regularly is not good for health and also ears.Instead of cleaning most of us are doing for cheer and a unknown rejoicing.The veges nerves in the ear is the main one which stimulates that rejoicing when we use that everyone becomes "slave" for that habits.Alderman's Nerve inside the ear is very sensitive and when unwanted things touches this nerves they become reddish due to sore.In future it becomes allergy.Don't think that dust like wax which are formed in ears are not formed from the outside dust.That is formed by the ears itself to prevent our ears from the Bacteria,Fungies,small insects.The wax like dust which is formed by the ear itself,if it formed beyond the limit our ear itself through away from our ear.So don't use buds to clear ears.
Monday, 19 March 2012
Help me to sleep ?
Walking is very good for health.If you take a walk in night instead of sleep the feel of awakening occurs in your body.So walking in night is not good for somebody.If you feel that after taking a bath,that could give a deep sleep means that will not give deep sleep.Take bath 3 hours before to go to bed.If you are not feeling to sleep don't go to bed that will decrease the tension against bed.If you have family problem then have a discussion with your friends and then go to bed,don't go to bed with stress.It is better to do meditation and yoga before going to bed.
Friday, 16 March 2012
How to avoid Ulcer
After Taking food if stomach pain is reduced means it is called as Teodinal-Ulcer.After taking food if the stomach pain is increased means it is called as Gasteric Ulcer.Apart from this vomiting, gas trouble,Weight lose,these all symptoms of ulcers.Endoscopie test is the best treatment for ulcer.Some times ulcer leads to cancer also.It also leads to blood vomiting because of high level secreation of HCL in our stomach.So evertone have to be careful about Ulcer.The person who smokes more will get ulcer very soon.So stop smoking.Stress is also a main reason for getting Ulcer.some times taking pain-killer also leads to before taking pain-killer consult your doctor.
To avoide ulcer take your food in time.Avoid taking hot-drinks,and avoid smoking.To get out from stress do meditation every day.Avoid taking spice foods and oil foods.But at the same time to reduce your body weight you should not go for starvation.Don't go to bed immediately after taking dinner,go to bed after 2 hours after taking dinner.
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
what is HDL and LDL blood cholesterol ?
Heart diseases is the major disease in America which creates death.May we all think that blood cholesterol is the main factor for heart disease.But it is very shocking to know that blood cholesterol is not the main reason for heart disease.Swollen in the blood vessel due to blood cholesterol is the main thing for heart disease.This swollen is due to nutrition tablets.Don't try to reduce the blood cholesterol,try to identify the reason for blood cholesterol and rectify it.This will be the right way to reduce Heart disease.Only after 1970 there are so many death happened due to heart disease.In our blood, If there is HDL cholesterol means it is good for our body.But if there is LDL cholesterol,it is consider as bad cholesterol and it is not good for our body.HDL cholesterol cleans the wastes which is formed by LDL cholesterol.
Friday, 2 March 2012
How to over come your Anger-BLISS or CURSE?
How Blockages accumulate in your body ?Have you ever wondered how blockages accumulates in our body ? If i insult you and you get angry,this creates a surge of energy in you.Once a energy is created means it cannot be destroyed,energy is never desyroyed.Energy has to be used,and if it is not used it will becomePrevented and Self-distructive.You have to use it-But the question is how to use it? Imagine you are at work and you are in angry-there is a strong feeling of anger in you and you cannot express it.TRY THIS-Transform the energy creatively.contract the muscles of your legs-Nobody can see your legs-as much as you can.make them stiff, pull them as tight as you can. whan you feel that you cannot go any further, suddenly relax them.You will be surprised to see that the anger has gone and you will also be exercising your muscles and toning them up.And the angey impulse which could have become destructive has bee released,and in the bargain your legs have been toned up
Like the same way if your stomach is blocked,pull all the muscles of your stomach in,and imagine that all the energy of your angeris being used to contract these muscles.You will see that in a minute or two the anger will have disappeared and the energy will have been used creatively.
Energy is always neutral.The energy which is created by anger is not distructive in itself;it is distructive only because it is being used in the form of Anger.Make better use of it.And if it is not used in the better way it will continue to exist in a distructive form.It cannot disappear unless you do something.If you can learn to make use of it ,it can bring a revolution into your life.If you do not use your body creatively,then all this energy which could have been a BLISSING will become a CURSE.
Be aware of Plastic/Paper cups
Today we are using paper cups and paper plates for drinking and eating.Normally this paper cups and plates are used in hotels and tea shops and in home functions very widely.To protect the cup from the heat of Tea/coffee,while manufacturing they are applying a wax.The cup is protceted now ,But the wax which is inside the cup,due to heat it melts and mixed with the Tea/Coffee and goes inside our stomach.This wax creates so many troubles inside our body.Using Glass cups to take Tea/Coffee is the best way to avoid this type of troubles.The food which are taken by using plastic items are not good for health.while going to school,we are giving Noon lunch for our children's by using plastic tiffen box.The food which is in the plastic box for 2-3 hours,automatically converted into Toxicity.In plastic/paper cups/plates there are some chemical item which changes the nutrient in the food into toxicity .This is called as "migrations".This toxicity some times leads to CANCER also.So Please avoid using plastic tiffen box and plastic/Paper cups
In our life.saving the nature is the right way to save us and our generation.It is better to use soil pots instead of using paper and plastic items.Boil the water and pour it in soil pot and then use it.This water is very healthy for our body.
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