Today we are using paper cups and paper plates for drinking and eating.Normally this paper cups and plates are used in hotels and tea shops and in home functions very widely.To protect the cup from the heat of Tea/coffee,while manufacturing they are applying a wax.The cup is protceted now ,But the wax which is inside the cup,due to heat it melts and mixed with the Tea/Coffee and goes inside our stomach.This wax creates so many troubles inside our body.Using Glass cups to take Tea/Coffee is the best way to avoid this type of troubles.The food which are taken by using plastic items are not good for health.while going to school,we are giving Noon lunch for our children's by using plastic tiffen box.The food which is in the plastic box for 2-3 hours,automatically converted into Toxicity.In plastic/paper cups/plates there are some chemical item which changes the nutrient in the food into toxicity .This is called as "migrations".This toxicity some times leads to CANCER also.So Please avoid using plastic tiffen box and plastic/Paper cups
In our life.saving the nature is the right way to save us and our generation.It is better to use soil pots instead of using paper and plastic items.Boil the water and pour it in soil pot and then use it.This water is very healthy for our body.
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